Welcome Info
Introduction of the meeting
E-board introductions
Can be found on the website msurotaract.org
Emails, bio, picture
What is Rotary?
Service, networking, friendship, fun
Worldwide organization
Thousands of members worldwide
Non-profit organization
Rotary 4-Way Test of The Things We Think, Say, or Do
1. Is it the Truth?
3. Will it build Goodwill and better friendships?
2. Is it Fair to all Concerned?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
What is Rotaract?
College-based version of rotary for young professionals
Bridge between Interact and Rotary
cheaper/easier/more hands-on
All about networking, connecting with people
MSU Rotaract founded in the early 2000’ fell off and was created again in 2017, re-established after Covid
Rotaract clubs do not need to be university-affiliated
No age although tend to be younger
How to be a member?
Pay dues, $20 a year with Treasurer Manny
Cash, Venmo, check
Venmo: msluallen2
Checks: Make out to MSU Rotaract
If you have any financial issues talk with Mia (president) and Manny (treasurer)
How to be a member?
Rotaract is a point-based system club
We ask that you get 7-10 points per year
You get points for attending meetings and events
Membership chair Rron tracks these
Rotaract’s Schedule for the year:
Events may change based on weather, the host, and if times need to be revised. All updates will be shared via email, GroupMe, and social media!
General Meetings: Wednesday’s 6:00 PM Holmes Hall
October 2- Networking With Rotary Members
October 16-Cardz 4 Kidz
October 30-Halloween Social Night-Wicca Talk
November 13-Tie Blankets/Binky Patrol
December 4-Finals De-stress event
**Throughout the year, if you have any extra combos, non-perishables, sanitary, or paper items, feel free to bring them to our meetings. We will hold onto them for you until our large food drive in November!**
Rotaract Events 2024
September 20
Michigan Waterways Stewards fly fishing event and river/park clean up. 3-7 PM ***
September 21
Michigan Waterways Stewards Potter Park/Meridian Park Beautification/Clean-up 10-3 PM***
September 27
Life Remodeled Detroit Michigan, beautify neighborhoods** WAIVER
October 3
Hayride with Alpha Chi Sigma
October 5
Spartan day of Service Register for an event-send a picture if you go-extra point if you go with friend https://serve.msu.edu/find.cfm?projectType=student&projectStartDate=03%2F20%2F2024&projectEndDate=03%2F20%2F2025®ion=All
October 12
Constellation cat Café Clean-up 8-10 PM
November 3
Michigan Waterways stewards red cedar clean up, partner with Delta Sigma Phi 11-2
November 22 Greater Lansing Foodbank Packaging event 11-2 PM
Hayride Information:
October 3, 2024
Arrive at the auditorium at 6 PM
The price is $40 per person-
Give money to Manny via venmo/cash/check
Seats are limited to 25 people
Everyone is allowed 1 guest per person until seats are full-guests must pay $40 as well
In order to attend you will need to fill out form from Andy Ts
We will send this out later
If you would like to attend but are unable to due to the fee, please let us know!
MUST FILL OUT FORM: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeln7ebm7WfuJ0FyOYtOfm-rSsjCjlWhAce6Z6scue6pIhbQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Final Items
Kahoot Winners!
Xochitl, Madison, Emerson, Jason
Sparticipation Winners!
Amanda, Eli, Samantha
Decorating lunch bags:https://kidsfoodbasket.org/